

rain falls on hot sidewalks

in the steam i see strangers

a child trips on her red boot

southern flannel moth emerges from a silk cocoon

like a new bride in yellow

bees drink nectar from a milkweed

lillie’s laugh, a mockingbird calls

discarded weeds wither

pruning last years garden

seedlings stand proud

tiny garden glove



in the black soil

Joni Caggiano is a self-published author of the book, “The Path Toward the Light.”  Her blog is, where she has published many poems, photography, and short stories. Her blog is an effort to give back as a survivor as an Adult Child of Alcoholics and to also write about things she feels matter in this world we live in today.  She started writing songs and poetry at the age of thirteen and have been writing ever since.


  1. Your poetry not only sets the stag but also brings with it sounds and smells. How do you do that? Amazing. Love your poetry and you ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. I don’t think you are alone in that my dear friend. Maybe that can be a good thing. I had some recurring dreams, when I was a child, that I wouldn’t want to know what they mean now. I don’t know about you but I would love to dream of flying like I use to do when I was a child and even into early adulthood. It was wonderful, I cherish those dreams. Have an amazing day my friend. Love and hugs to you. I am enjoying my cup of coffee and wondering what music I should listen to today. Joni



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